
Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to make a fraction!

Is ½ bigger than ¾ I know that ½ is smaller than ¾ because 3 is bigger than 1.
Is ¼ bigger than ⅕ 

Is 4/4 the same as a whole

⅛ bigger or smaller than ½  it is one half!

Have fun learning!

How to make a blog.



What you are working on


Then you add a question

Then you add a nice comment on someone's blog       

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Weadding in Cana

Mary lived in nazareth and Joseph in juloserlim the roller wanted to kont how many people that lived in the town. He sent people back to there home town so they crawled on donkes to juloserlim there were no place to stay in the inn they went in a barn and laid him in a manger.

Every year they went to a market and when they were coming back home then Jesus went missing they looked for three days they found him in the temple with the guesh teachers asking questions Mary said why did you do this Jesus said did you not know I am in my Father's house.

There was a wedding in Cana and in the middle of the party the wine ran out. Then Mary Jesus mother told him there was no wine and Jesus said that’s not are problem and Mary told them do what Jesus tells you. Jesus said fill the pots with water and when the master of  Ceremonies tried the wine he called the groom and he said they bring the best wine and when everyone had a lot to drink they brought out the lees expensive wine. That was the first time Jesus showed his glory and his disciples believed in him.

When Jesus got nailed to the cross Mary was crying about her son he said to Mary I will rise on the third day I will be her for 49 days and I will go to heaven.

Mary and some people were praying in a room till they were speaking different languages people circled the room they wanted to know what they were saying but no one could understand. When they were praying the fire was above each person that’s how they were speaking in other languages.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Jesus turn's water into wine

When Jesus got lost in the temple Mary and Joseph lost Jesus after the markit

They  search till they found him he was happy and they said Jesus we have been looking everywhere for you.

I was like mery once and so was my mum I was about  7 or 8. I went shopping with my mum and sister went wandering of and I was looking at something I turned to say mum look but she was gone I was about to cry and I found  them in the toy iyle a d my mum bort me mam’s. 

My mum was 4 and she got lost when her mum turd the corner and she went in the opposite direction she was crying till two ladies fond her and to the checkouts and  her name over the speakers she got a pinky chocolate bar when her mum came looking embarrassed.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Jesus saver

Jesus was born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth. There was a wedding in Cana and in the middle of the party the wine ran out. Then Mary Jesus mother told him there was no wine and Jesus said that’s not are problem and Mary told them do what Jesus tells you. Jesus said fill the pots with water and when the master of  Ceremonies tried the wine he called the groom and he said they bring the best wine and when everyone had a lot to drink they brought out the lees expensive wine. That was the first time Jesus showed his glory and his disciples believed in him.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Cats. Cats are super sweet animals. Hi my name is Ebony and today I am talking about Cats. They can be any type of cat. Cheetahs, Tigers, Lions a Leopard a Puma and Jaguar or a normal house cat.

Cats are fun little creatures. They are super sweet  and they are really talkative. They hunt at night and sleep in the day. My cat sometimes sleeps at night but she mostly sleeps in the day. They are super nice cats. Cats have good hearing and it is a part of their hunting . Cats do  tend to chase prey for great distances. Their night vision also allows them to better capture their prey in the dark. Cats also have better seeing in the dark then any species vision.

Small cats are about  5.5 kgs. Small cat’s live in houses. Homing cat’s are tamed animals, their height is 25 cm tall. 

The colour of a cat can be ginger, gray, white, tabby, black, brown or multicoloured.

Cats live everywhere in the wild. In houses. It makes it home when they live in that area for a long time.

Cat’s have a lot of enemies, they can protect themselves because they have sharp claws and they can scratch till blood comes out of there enemies to teach them a lesson to show what they have they done.

Cats manly  eat meat. They eat dry food and wet food.

Here are some facts 

Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees.

Cats spend about 70 percent of the day sleeping. And 15 percent of the day grooming.
How was my report about cats? Did you learn any facts you didn't know? Thanks for listening to my report.


Albatross live in very cold places and they are found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

When it’s time for their nesting they go to a cliff. They make their nests out of dry mud holes in bushes and in the ground.

 They lay one big egg and they take turns looking after the egg before it hatches into a sea bird and it can  travel to cold places.

The birds can get in very bad condition. They can die if they eat plastic. They follow fishing boats and get hooked and get dragged underwater and drown.

The bird’s wings are long and slender. This means they are thin. This helps the bird’s fly for hours without flapping their wings.

Albatross are very large sea birds. There are a lot in the world and a lot of people have seen them.