
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Jolly Jars

This term, our Project Based Learning (PBL) started with us having to form groups and collaboratively create Jolly Jars for the school fair. This task helped us to begin exploring our PBL question for the term - How can we build community through our actions? We had to research ideas, be creative with our product, experiment with our materials and write instructions that could be followed by others.

Here is a link to my instructions. instruction

I learnt that instructions need to be specific so that people can read them easily and follow them. They also need

Reflection on PBL:
For our Jolly Jar my group did sock puppets.

I contributed to my group by working with them and listening to their ideas.

Our Jolly Jar was creative because we put different things on the jars and noone else made sock puppets.

What I learned about working with others was hard because I was not working with my friends. Because of this I had to work with others that I am not used to.

How did we build community through our actions? Doing something for the community.
Jolly jars are a good idea because you can put stuff in it instead of carrying all the stuff. There were old toys that we donated to other kids. They would like to give it a go. My brother bought a jar and created the snowglobe and I had to help him do it because he can’t read the instructions. Mine was a lot different to him. I had a bit smaller writing than his. You need to have an inspiring title so people don't think your jar is boring.  You follow the steps to get an inspiring jar.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

My date of Birth!

The date of my birth is April the 28 and it is going to be on a school day. On a Tuesday after school I would like to  go to the movies with my BFF's like Gab, Arielle, Lilly, Amelia, Jaydin, and Tu. I hope my Mum gets me a Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle birthday cake. There is this blue box I really want with a lot of stuff like dolls in it and my mum said if it goes on special she can buy it for me YAY! I will be opening my gift after school. I Get to choose what is for tea, and the place is called American Diner 66. I love the curly fries with the fried chicken. The pudding is really good with the milkshakes, especially the strawberry ones. I can't wait for my birthday!
 What is your date of birth and what are you doing for your birthday?