Cats. Cats are super sweet animals. Hi my name is Ebony and today I am talking about Cats. They can be any type of cat. Cheetahs, Tigers, Lions a Leopard a Puma and Jaguar or a normal house cat.
Cats are fun little creatures. They are super sweet and they are really talkative. They hunt at night and sleep in the day. My cat sometimes sleeps at night but she mostly sleeps in the day. They are super nice cats. Cats have good hearing and it is a part of their hunting . Cats do tend to chase prey for great distances. Their night vision also allows them to better capture their prey in the dark. Cats also have better seeing in the dark then any species vision.
Small cats are about 5.5 kgs. Small cat’s live in houses. Homing cat’s are tamed animals, their height is 25 cm tall.
The colour of a cat can be ginger, gray, white, tabby, black, brown or multicoloured.
Cats live everywhere in the wild. In houses. It makes it home when they live in that area for a long time.
Cat’s have a lot of enemies, they can protect themselves because they have sharp claws and they can scratch till blood comes out of there enemies to teach them a lesson to show what they have they done.
Cats manly eat meat. They eat dry food and wet food.
Here are some facts
Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees.
Cats spend about 70 percent of the day sleeping. And 15 percent of the day grooming.
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